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Video guide to creating sound patches

The video was produced using Flash 8 and is in four parts. You can start from whichever part you wish and the video will then play through to Part 4 unless you stop it.

Part 1 covers the conversion of the firmware.sre file into a firmware.bin file. Samsung Firmware Editor(SFE) can only work with the created binary file.

Part 2 shows how to use SFE to identify the firmware regions in which the various assets (sounds, graphics, and languages) are located and to create a Firmware.sdf profile so that you only have to do this once for each firmware.

Part 3 explains how you can use SFE's file manager to replace the built-in sounds with your own and how to create a .spf patch file.

Finally in Part 4, I explain how the patch or patches you created earlier are used to make a .s3 patch file which can be flashed to your phone with Optiflash.

Copyright 2007